Meet the Organizers
RRTOS Officers, Committees, Appointed Positions
All officers, standing committee members, and appointed position holders of the RRTOS serve one-year terms that run from January to January, as the society's annual meeting is held each January. These positions are all strictly volunteer-based as the RRTOS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Officers/Executive Board (2025-2026)

Alex Moe
Alex is a 2021 graduate of Hawley High School.
He developed a passion for music at a young age and has a diverse understanding of the design and functionality of musical instruments, including pianos, pipe organs, and band instruments.
Alex joined RRTOS in the fall of 2021 and is now its president, house organist at the Fargo Theatre, and one of the organ curators for RRTOS instruments.

Dylan Thiele
Vice President
Dylan has been a house organist of the Fargo Theatre since 2021. He joined RRTOS in 2016 when he was 12 years old after going to a Silent Movie Night at the Fargo Theatre.
He was elected vice president in June of 2023 and took an intrigue in the maintenance side of the Wurlitzer which eventually expanded to working on organs around the area with Alex Moe. Dylan also serves as a chapter historian/archivist.
In May of 2023 Dylan took in the former Weld Hall Organ console affectionately named “Ted” and is digitizing it to become a Hauptwerk instrument.
He is organist of the Arthur United Methodist Church, Arthur, North Dakota, and also plays organ for the St. Thomas United Methodist Church in St. Thomas, North Dakota.

Ruth Strawn
Ruth joined RRTOS in 2015. She is a native of Nebraska and is organist at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in West Fargo, North Dakota.
She also belongs to the Red River Valley of the American Guild of Organists and served as its treasurer for many years.

Alex Swanson
Alex was raised on a farm near Moorhead, Minnesota, and was organist of the rural church he belonged to while growing up, also serving as a part-time and substitute organist at several area churches over the years.
After attending Silent Movie Night in October, 2011, he immediately after joined Red River Theatre Organ Society and has served as a house organist of the Fargo Theatre since early 2012, studying theatre organ under Lance Johnson and Tyler Engberg. He has served as RRTOS president and vice president, and currently serves as its treasurer, historian-archivist, reporter, and webmaster.
He is also a member of the Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists where he has served as secretary, treasurer, historian-archivist, and on various committees.
Alex is employed as a mortician at West Funeral Home in West Fargo, ND.